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Eavesdropping On VoIP Calls. How It's Done And How To Protect Yourself

VoIP Call

Eavesdropping on the phone calls is a necessary part of any spy or detective movie, but what do we really know about the technologiest that may allow somebody to eavesdrop our calls? Today we at Jammer-Store Company would like to pay attention to eavesdropping on VoIP calls and how the whole thing works.

When it comes to eavesdropping there are a couple of common techniques. The first one is the parallel phone, connected to the same phone line that the original one. That methods works not only for the wired phones, but for radio phones too, all you need to do is to tune the phones to work on the same frequency. Another way is to install a bug into a phone line, of course that works only with wired phone stations.

The most popular way is to install the bug into the phone switchboard. That method is commonly used by the police and other authorities and it will work with mobile phones too. Also they can connect the high-level network to intercept millions of calls simultaneously. Evildoers frequently use modern smartphone's vulnerabilities to install eavesdropping bug into your mobile device memory core. Those malicious applications deploy a gateway and all your calls are visible to evildoers.

Network Switch

But how to intercept VoIP calls? First of all we should mention that VoIP protocol involves sending the information over the Internet or LAN. The information is compressed in voice packages and sent along with other packages, the whole thing works the same if you'd try to upload a file on some internet server. In that case it becomes pretty clear that anyone, who has the access or has hacked the PC your traffic is coming through can have access to those voice packages. The good news are that those packages are encrypted and by acquiring those packages evildoers will gain nothing.

Major VoIP developers provide a huge variety of different encryption protocols in order to make your calls safer. And there are free and payed programs and protocols. The most simple VoIP encryption application is Zfone. It is totally free, but it is necessary that both talkers installed that application. All the other calls will not be protected.

Another way of protection is to organize a separate, protected LAN, and connect all the VoIP phones to it, but that's suitable only for local level. Even closed payed encryption protocols protect your personal information only while the protocol is unknown, but it is a rather short period of time. Due to hack attempts or information leaks those protocols become insecure really fast.

VoIP Encryption

You should know, that the major part of VoIP calls are intercepted when the packages reach the client's PC and are decrypted. In that case making your VoIP calls safe turns into making your network safe. It's much easier for a hacker to hack your PC and install an application that would steal decrypted voice packages than to intercept them at a high-level network and try to crack the encryption protocol himself.

Always use firewalls and latest versions of antimalware apps to make sure your information will be safe. Also 90% of corporate data was stolen due to the vulnerabilities of Wi-Fi networks, so try to those. Sometimes all of us get into situations when it is necessary to use a wireless network and there are no alternatives. In that case you should know that hackers may try to connect to your wireless network, because it may be accessible from great distances, in that case it is better to use a Wi-Fi jammer to block the network in the areas it is vulnerable. Keep your personal information safe!

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