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Review On The Most Famous Mobile OS's Safety And Privacy Issues

Mobile OS

It is impossible today to find a person who doesn't have a mobile phone. But today, many people are moving to mobile devices because they give us comprehensive functionality compared to standard phones. But it is not a secret that those mobile gadgets are vulnerable and contain lots of our sensitive data. They know where we are, the circle of our communication, and what we are talking about. That's probably the main reason why smartphone safety is one of the primary components people consider when selecting a refreshed mobile gadget. That's why we at Jammer-Store Company have decided to write a short review on the safety elements of the most widely spread operational methods.


That mobile OS was once one of the safest, but the whole situation changed when multitasking was presented. That feature has opened various opportunities for viruses because multitasking has enabled viruses to run in the background, and the infection is hidden from the user. Also, the jailbreak has weakened that OS's security even more. Statistic tells us that jailbroken devices are more vulnerable to various hacks due to the SSH service. That's the weakest spot in the whole of iOS. SSH is used to modify the components of the device's file system, and it is the only way to install applications or other media on your device without an AppStore. So think twice before jailbreaking your iPhone.

Windows Phone

This operating system is the head among all the other process approaches in the number of mobile viruses that send SMS from your smartphone. Those malicious applications are dangerous because they not only gather your personal information but can harm your wallet too. They send messages to a short phone number with high verification. Another issue is that Microsoft is relatively slow in releasing updates and fixes. While most mobile viruses are ported versions of desktop viruses, antimalware apps are designed specifically for mobile platforms, which gives them some benefits.


That is a rather widely spread alternative to the previous OS and has many distinctive features compared with other mobile OSs. It is considered the safest OS because it is closed, and its code is kept secret. Another benefit of the OS from BlackBerry is that the company releases updates and fixes relatively fast. The main disadvantage of such a closed platform is that it is impossible to tune the device as you wish. Another negative feature of BlackBerry OS is the modest quantity of applications in their App World.


As you probably know, Android OS is a property of Google Inc. Still, its code is available, and the OS itself is being developed and modified by a big community of programmers. And open code has its advantages and disadvantages. The positive effect here is that it creates relatively fast, and there are a wide variety of modifications to the OS. The burden is that many viruses are designed to use all the benefits of Android. Although Google tries to check all the apps in Google Play for viruses, many malicious applications still exist. Many people think Android is the most powerless mobile OS, but that's probably not right. Android is a Linux-based system; the most vulnerable spot of the OS is the user himself. We'll try to explain why. All the applications installed on the mobile device have to receive permission from the users to run and make things they were written for. So, to launch a virus, you will have to allow his activity. Every app asks for such permissions, and you may recognize a virus by looking at them. Malicious apps for Android usually ask for permissions for unlimited Internet access, access to contacts and browsing history, and sending SMS/dialing phone numbers. Those last two permissions are pretty dangerous because, using them, viruses will be able to steal money from your account.

In conclusion, we may say that all mobile operating systems and platforms have their advantages and disadvantages, but the mobile device's security usually depends on the user. So, what should be done to minimize your smartphone's vulnerabilities? Try not to install apps from untrusted sources, avoid public Wi-Fi networks and if your mobile device is already infected – use a universal cell phone jammer and take the device to specialists. We hope this review and recommendations will help you save your personal information and some money!

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