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Privacy Versus Protection: Supreme Court Opened Pandora Box

Pandora's Box

Our world is becoming completely connected day by day, and every one of us who just live and goes to work and interact with other people in this digital world give small pieces of ourselves away. Considering social media apps like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, LinkedIn and others, private and business information that earlier was thought about as extremely individual and classified, nowadays has been made easily accessible to all people with a single click of their mice.

Store various electronic information

At the end of the 90s, the term “server” still meant the individual who brings various foods to your table in the cafe, but now it means absolutely other thing. Today, the server means some powerful hardware that permits users to store various electronic information like banking records, Google search data, text messages, e-mails, telephone conversations, photos, private data, etc.

Server room from the inside

All you need to have is a high-speed and reliable internet connection along with nice PC, and you are instantly prepared to duck into a massive, nearly interminable lot of data. Nevertheless, does the fact pointing that plenty of us really live and work every day and play online games mean that we have already given the Big Brother wide-open and free access to all that bunch of data?

The decision made by Supreme Court last week in US against Antoine Jones case presents the disturbing probability that the reply is yes. In this significant case, the Justices enacted their decision by a solid vote that the long-time GPS surveillance placed on the automobile of the criminal suspect broke the Fourth Amendment. This decision, ruled to defend constitutional liberty from aggressive police application of tech advantages, was celebrated in all ideological spectrum. And the bigger part of the common people complimented the Judges for “getting it right at last.”

Flyover by helicopters

Nevertheless, in accordance with professor of New York University School of Law Barry Friedman, “Jones, together with other latest decisions, can turn the Fourth Amendment into real ticking time bomb, which is set to self-destruct mode, and considering quickly arising technology it might happen real soon.” Friedman continues to pose the problem, “Think about dog sniffs, usage of heat sensors, periodical helicopter flyovers, etc. Are those "searches" inside of the primary meaning of the Fourth Amendment?

How to prevent GPS tracking?

It is clear that you can’t prevent all of that, but there are many things you can protect yourself from. GPS tracking, cell phone triangulation and eavesdropping, video surveillance, wireless networks break-ins and many other privacy violating things can be easily prevented if you care about the security of your personal data and private life.

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