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GPS-Less Navigation. Is It Real?

Nowadays modern wireless technologies became pretty important part of our lives. Can you imagine the world without all those smartphones, tablets, mobile Internet and other portable gadgets? We use them really frequently and those portable devices are often used in various business affairs and even important social services. A prominent example of such widely used wireless technology is GPS.

GPS blocking

Global positioning system is used not only for civic navigation, but also by rescue teams and for aviation and naval purposes. As you know the system itself is critical for many social services and if one day there will be no GPS, it may even cause a panic. That's probably the main reason why those GPS signal blockers are considered to be illegal. They are pretty dangerous, because they may disrupt important communications.

So there is a question why those dangerous devices are popular? That's all because GPS can be easily misused. That global navigation system can be used for tracking purposes, actually illegal tracking. If you have any kind of GPS-based gadget – someone may use it against you.

It is widely known that it is dangerous to put all eggs in one basket, so there are some alternatives for GPS navigation system. They are GLONASS, cell tower triangulation and Wi-Fi navigation. If GLONASS is pretty clear for the public, it is a GPS-like Russian GNSS, then cell tower triangulation and Wi-Fi navigation may need clarification.


Wi-Fi navigation

We will begin with Wi-Fi navigation, the system is being developed but the first steps were made by Google Corporation. Google has gathered the information about thousands Wi-Fi hotspots in their Street View project and that information is used for navigational purposes. As long as physical positions of those wireless hotspots is fixed, it is possible to calculate your position between at least three of them. The distance to each of those hotspots is calculated using a signal strength, the closer the hotspot – the stronger the signal. We believe that the future is after this kind of navigation. But it also has a couple of disadvantages: it gives less accurate results in comparison with GPS, it works only in densely populated areas, where lots of Wi-Fi hotspots are presented. Hopefully the accuracy of that technique will grow with the growth of Wi-Fi networks quantity.

Cell tower triangulation

The second technique is cell tower triangulation and it is far more convenient because it uses your own mobile phone to track your location. Now a couple of words on how it works. As you probably know your cell phone maintains connections with at least of 2-3 base stations. Their coordinates are known and fixed. And your location is calculated between three of those cell towers. The benefits of that technique: it is quite universal, because everyone now uses mobile communications and has a cell phone, and that tracking works everywhere, where cell coverage is, even indoors.

Bottom Line

So you see that GPS-less navigation exists and it may be pretty dangerous, because it is easy to misuse it. So it is better to think about protection before someone tries to track you down. And in this case, when you are not really sure form where to expect the threat – it will be wise to use a universal 10 frequencies jammer. So all your fronts will be covered!

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